Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Guild Wars Week of May 4, 2020 - Blue Day

Day 2: Blue Day

Yesterday's Defense - 0 for 0, wasn't attacked.

My blue day defense team is basically my pvp team - Divine Ishbaala, Qilin, Rope Dart, and Moon Rabbit. This team easily clears PVP through the highest ranks. That said, it does require a lot of user thought, so we will see. This team uses Frostmage, mostly to try to block other teams.

For attack, its Moonsinger, King Gobtruffle, Maraji Queen, and the Bronzelock Pistol. Moonsinger is the empowered converter to feed Gobtruffle and we all know the rest of the deal. This team is terrible and lazy but also incredibly safe and effective. As a side note, Bronzelock Pistol is one of my person sleeper weapons - I think its about as powerful as the Skeleton Key/Egg Thief combo if those colors are blocked.

Fight 1 - a Titan team rated at 9,936 with a +9 Mang, Queen Ysabelle, Zephyros, and High king Irongut. Any fight with HKI can go sideways at a moment's notice. Fight went well - fortunately a 10k rating is pretty short of mine and the strength difference was notable. 3,238 points.

Fight 2 - a Warlord team with a rating of 10,483. A +9 Summer's Fury, Abhorath, Gargantaur, and Gemhammer. This fight actually went terribly - a Gobtruffle failed to loop repeatedly and a couple of desperate Maraji triggers results in skulls cascades for the other team. 1,386 points.

Fight 3 - a priest team rated 5,803. Scored 1,536 points

Fight 4 - an assassin team rated at 8,959 with Dimetraxia, Emperor Khorvash, Dragotaur, and Shadow Dragon, They did almost get me with the spawning a new guy thing where I used Maraji without a loop, but still wasn't much of a battle. 1,626 points.

Fight 5 - An archer team rated at 11,274 points. Glaycion, Captain Skullbeard, Venbarak, and King Bloodhammer. Glaycion and Bloodhammer are both solid pvp choices, and while Venbarak isn't really a meta pick, his ability is strong if you can fire it twice in quick succession. Captain Skullbeard was a new name for me, and I'm honestly not sure why he is in this list. This was a close fight - I got lucky that some of my team was submerging through the Frostmage ability and it caused Venbarak's move to miss them. Moonsinger actually died pretty quickly and Gobtruffle's damage output wasn't high enough to quickly move through my opponent. I relied on Pistol mostly, as Marajji alignment was difficult to come by, and when it did happen, didn't do as much as I would have hoped. Picked up 1,635 points though.

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